

A select few projects that I have created, from personal websites to web applications and software tools.

Supermicro Ultra Builds Website


A website created to help the production team of Equus build servers with Supermicro components with no errors.

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Portfolio Website


The website you are currently looking at! Contains all the skills I know, some of the projects I created, and expertise as a software developer.

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Node-RED Temperature Monitoring Flow


Created a server laboratory temperature-monitoring application to power off the servers once the temperature of the laboratory passes the temperature limit.

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Commvault Hardware Monitoring Service


A server monitoring utility for capturing hardware status and fault events. This tool allowed clients to view and notifies of failures from physical disk, virtual disks, fans, and power distribution units.

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Motivational Quotes

React.jsSCSSUnsplash API

A website that generates motivational quotes from a local database and powerful images from Unsplash to help motivate people. Inspired by the popular chrome extension, Momentum.

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Hit My Line!

For any questions, comments, concerns, and anything else, please contact me at:

Built by Marcus Stewart with Gatsby